علوم اجتماعی و جامعه شناسی::
آزادسازی اقتصادی
Key factors in the emergence of this concept include increased cross-border migration, the demise of the Cold War, global trade liberalization, the emergence of multinational corporations and the globalization of capital and financial networks, the development of global communications and transportation systems, the decline of the sovereign nation-state in response to the "shrinking" of the world through global commerce and communication, the rise of a global humanitarian movement and international policy organizations such as the United Nations, and the formation of new local communities not geographically bound (such as social media communities and diasporic communities linked by the Internet and social media as well as shared media consumption patterns).
More recently, some communication scholars have applied the concept of cultural imperialism to the analysis of media in the era of privatization, globalization, and trade liberalization.
Per capita income has declined in many countries throughout Africa during the era of economic trade liberalization.
In a world economy dominated by trade liberalization, education and job markets were no longer limited to national contexts in the same ways.
The growth of the Bollywood, Nollywood, and the Chinese and Hong Kong film industries are indicative of circumstances under globalization and trade liberalization in which cinemas formerly understood as national are now global and diasporic in scope.
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